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I Stand with Israel!

Last week, I was prepared to share some happy news with this audience. Last week, I was going to reveal my latest project with all the enthusiasm and (anxious) hope typical of a would-be author. However, last week, we were trying to absorb the horrific news coming from Israel. We were trying to understand how these barbaric acts were taking place—after we Jews had pledged NEVER AGAIN. I typed the words “we Jews”— not the world. That was not a typographical error. That was intentional, because apparently “the world” hasn’t joined us in pledging NEVER AGAIN. The world doesn’t seem to understand the history of Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel).

I’ve decided to share some history today. I don’t consider myself an academic and I’m certainly not a professional historian. The information I’m sharing comes from various sites found on the Internet. I encourage you to do your own research, but this is what I believe to be true.

Nearly 3,000 years ago: The people known as the Philistines had become extinct. This Aegean (Cypriot) tribe had no connection to the modern-day Arabs that call themselves Palestinian. They have different ethnicities, different languages, different culture.

Around 1000 B.C.E: King David ruled the region known as Canaan.

Around 931 BCE:  King Solomon built the first holy temple in Jerusalem. The kingdom was divided: Israel to the North, Judah in the South. “Ninety-two percent of the Bible place names are in the mountains of Israel in what the Bible calls Judea and Samaria and the world calls the West Bank.” ~B. Brim, scholar at Elon Moreh.

  • The Book of Genesis shows that Abraham entered Israel through Shechem, and that the hills of Judea and Samaria were the stomping grounds for his descendants through Isaac and Jacob.
  • Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were buried in Hebron, a bustling city in the Judean hills.
  • Joseph, who lived and died in Egypt, was buried in Shechem, in the hills of Samaria (Joshua 24:32)
  • The book of Exodus shows that the ark of the covenant, before being placed in the temple in Jerusalem, rested in the Samarian city of Shiloh

Around 722 BCE: The Assyrians invaded the region.

568 BCE: Babylonians conquered Jerusalem, destroying the first temple

132 CE: The Romans exiled Jews from their homeland; and, in an attempt to discourage patriotism, renamed the region Syria-Palaestina, combining the names of two ancient kingdoms long since dead: Assyria and Philistine.

Future conquerors (Persians, Greeks, Muslims, Arabs, Turks, Egyptians, etc.) would refer to the area by the name of Palestine (Philistia, Palestina, Filastin, Mandatory Palestine, etc.), but it always denoted a place and not a people.

1517-1917: The Ottoman Empire ruled the Holy Land.

1917: The British offered the “Balfour Declaration” in support of the establishment of a Jewish homeland.  Over 80 % of the region’s population were Muslim/Arab. “Before the Balfour Promise, Palestine’s political borders as we know them today did not exist, and there was nothing called a Palestinian people with a political identity as we know today,” historian Abd Al-Ghani.

1918 (after WWI): The region becomes known as British Palestine.

1922: The League of Nations approved the Balfour Declaration. The Arabs who lived in the area opposed it. These people were from, or were descended from, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, etc. Very few Palestinian Arabs were indigenous. Most arrived with the Muslim conquests of the 7th century.

1937: The Peel Commission offered a plan for peace. The Arabs rejected it. “There is no such country as Palestine! ‘Palestine’ is a term the Zionists invented! Our country was for centuries part of Syria.”~ Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi.

1944: President Roosevelt opposed a pro-Zionist resolution in Congress in fear of provoking Arab nations. He had previously showed his disdain for Jewish refugees, referring to their pleas as “Jewish wailing” and “sob stuff.”

1947: The United Nations approved a two-state plan. The Arabs rejected it.

1948: Israel was officially declared an independent state. The following day, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon invaded. A temporary armistice agreement gave Judea and Samaria to Jordan (now called the West Bank) and the Gaza Strip to Egypt.

1967: Six-day War: Egypt, Jordan and Syria attack. Israel takes control of Gaza, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

  • Why is it that on June 4th 1967, I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”~Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist
  • The Palestinian people have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them that identity through conflict with Israel.” ~ Yasser Arafat
  • There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people.”~ Syrian President Hafez Assad

1973: Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom Kippur.

1979: Militant Islam ousted the shah of Iran and the Pahlavi dynasty. The U.S. embassy and 52 American were held hostage for 444 days. President Carter’ s belated response ended in disaster. Since then, the Islamic regime has ruled Iran.

1979: President Carter set up the Camp David Accords with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Israel began to withdraw from Sinai. Sadat was assassinated by Islamic militants for working with the Israelis.

1981: Israel annexed the Golan Height. Although the area was deemed essential to security and national defense, the action was condemned internationally. The United Nations Security Council suggested that Israel withdraw from territories occupied during the Six-Day War, in exchange “of the termination of all states of belligerency and recognition of Israel as a sovereign state by the Arab states.”

1987: Hamas was established by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and factions of the PLO at the beginning of the intifada.

2000: President Clinton met with Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Authority Yasser Arafat. The negotiations were rejected by the Arabs. In December of that same year, a proposal called The Clinton Parameters was presented to both parties. The document suggested, among other points, that a Palestinian state would be created, comprising between 94–96% of the West Bank and the entire Gaza Strip. Israel would annex land, including settlements. The PLO rejected the proposal.

2005: Israel disengaged from Gaza. They offered it to Egypt They did not want to accept responsibility. They offered it to Jordan. They did not want to accept responsibility. After the withdrawal, the “Palestinians” were given control over the territory, except for the borders, the airspace and territorial waters.

2006: President Carter published a disturbing and controversial book entitled, “Palestine: Peace not Apartheid.” Years later, Carter apologized for his views.

2006: Terrorists infiltrated the Israeli side of the border through a tunnel they dug near the Kerem Shalom land crossing. During the attack, tank commander, Lieutenant Hanan Barak, as well as Staff Sergeant Pavel Slutsker, were killed. Wounded, Gilad Shalit was taken hostage to Gaza. He would remain there until 2011.

2007: Hamas was elected as the Palestinian government. The population of Gaza is now under their control. Hamas began storing weapons, tunnels, etc. under homes, schools, hospitals, and mosques. Israel approved a series of sanctions that included power cuts, restricted imports, and border closures in self-defense.

2008: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s plan included placing Jerusalem’s Old City under international control and would cede almost 94% of the West Bank for the establishment of a Palestinian state. The Arabs reject it.

2008: The IDF began dropping leaflets, making phone calls, and commandeering local radio and TV stations. They called for civilians to evacuate buildings where weapons were stored and/or where tunnels have been dug. They were instructed to the center of towns and to not act as shields for Hamas. This was not the first, or the last, time the IDF would take these measures.

2009: President Obama met with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. He embraced the hard line Islamist as a “friend” and “partner.” Obama traveled to Egypt and condemned Israeli “occupation” of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). “The situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable.”

2011: President Obama formalized ties with Egypt’s once-outlawed Muslim Brotherhood.

2012: President Obama bypassed Congress and sent $1.5 billion to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

2014: Three Israeli teenagers disappeared in the “West Bank” (Judea and Samaria). Prime Minister Netanyahu accused Hamas. On June 30, 2014, the boys were found dead outside of Hebron.

2015: President Obama struck a deal with Iran. “We released seven terrorists who had helped Iran with their nuclear program, and we agreed not to prosecute another 14 terrorists for doing the same thing,” said Senator Ted Cruz. “That’s 21 terrorists helping Iran develop nuclear weapons that they intend to use to try to murder us.”

2016: On his last day in office, President Obama’s administration approved $221 million for the Palestinians.

2018: Protestors and supporters in the Gaza Strip attempted to cross the border into Israel, sending incendiary kites and balloons into the area.

2021: Tensions in Jerusalem boiled over and led to the greatest escalation of violence since 2014. After clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters left hundreds injured, Hamas launched rockets into Jerusalem and southern and central Israel, prompting air strikes from Israel in response.

January 2023: A Jerusalem synagogue was attacked, leaving numerous dead.

April 2023: A woman and her two daughters were killed in a “West Bank” (Judea and Samaria) attack.

September 2023: President Biden sanctioned giving $6 billion to Iran. The following month, Deputy national security adviser Jon Finer would say, “that the United States believes Iran is “broadly complicit” in Hamas attacks in Israel.”

October 2023: Biden’s administration deleted the president’s post calling for restraint after Hamas viciously attacked Israel. The president later denounced the attacks, but American congressional representatives continued to put pressure on Israel, insinuating that they were to blame.

  • Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar called Israel’s response to the attacks “war crimes.”
  • Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib said that U.S. aid to Israel was akin to “funding to support the apartheid government.” 
  • Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez focused on the “oppression and occupation” more than the barbaric attacks of Hamas

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Israelis and Jews around the world with decisiveness and with a clear vision. “The enemy will pay an unprecedented price.  In the meantime, I call on the citizens of Israel to strictly adhere to the directives of the IDF and Home Front Command. We are at war and we will win it.”

כן י​ה​י ר​צ​ו​ן

Ken Yehi Ratzon ~ Let it Be So


17 thoughts on “I Stand with Israel!”

    1. I agree. With support or without, however, it needs to be done. Not only for Israel, but all peace-loving people. Thank you for stopping by, B’ shalom.


    1. Thank you, Viviana. We’re standing on the shoulders of giants. We must do our share and speak up. Thanks for your support!


  1. Remembering Operation Cast Lead, Olmert FUBAR. That utterly incompetent Brandan Prime Minister failed to achieve the total surrender of Hamas to Israel. An invasion of Gaza must never duplicate that utterly failed attempt to up-root Hamas. The Ventriloquist puppet UN made vile accusations of war-crimes against the IDF. A repetition of foreign intervention which prevented a Hamas total and complete surrender to Israel, Bibi must avoid at all costs. The Cast Lead Olmert blunder: witnessed the entrance of the Obozo the Clown enemy, to seize the Office of President of the United States. That incompetent Brandan fool passed UN Resolution 2334 prior to vacating POTUS. To achieve the unconditional surrender of Hamas, the Bibi government must negate the influence of both the EU and UN.


    1. A more detailed history of current Israeli politics.

      Israel avoids making a hasty reactionary invasion of Gaza. This regime change: war against Hamas, a much larger war which includes Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria.

      The Hamas attack on Chag Shemini Atzeret, a feint to conceal a Hezbollah invasion from Lebanon and Syria.  Flooding the Gaza tunnels learns from the Egyptian breaching of the Bar Lev Line by means of water cannons.  Israeli, the Will of the Jewish people: Hamas must unconditionally surrender to the IDF.

      Israeli bombing of Gaza simply does not compare to the Dresden carpet bombing at the end of WWII. In this regime change war, why has Israel delayed its invasion of Gaza? Answer: Israeli intelligence got burned on the 1st day of the war. If Israel commits to Gaza, maybe the Hamas attack, a feint to conceal the main thrust from Lebanon.

      Clearly Gaza lacks the muscle to defeat the IDF. Hezbollah, Hezbollah, Hezbollah. In this regime change war, why has Israel delayed its invasion of Gaza? Answer: Maybe the Hamas attack, simply a feint to conceal the main thrust from Lebanon.

      Hezbollah, whose “army” has trained extensively in Syria’s Civil War, a threat that simply cannot be ignored. If Israel commits its troops to this possible Hamas feint, it opens itself to another surprise attack from Hezbollah! Hence Israel recognizes the need to gather extensive intelligence from the North, which includes Syria!

      Remembering Operation Cast Lead, Olmert’s FUBAR. That utterly incompetent Brandan Prime Minister failed to achieve the total surrender of Hamas to Israel. An invasion of Gaza must never duplicate that utterly failed attempt to up-root Hamas. The Ventriloquist puppet UN made vile accusations of war-crimes against the IDF. A repetition of foreign intervention which prevented a Hamas total and complete surrender to Israel, Bibi must avoid at all costs.

      Operation Cast Lead: Olmert’s incompetent blunder: witnessed the entrance of the Obozo the Clown enemy, who seized the Office of President of the United States; that incompetent Brandan fool passed UN Resolution 2334 prior to vacating POTUS. To achieve the unconditional surrender of Hamas, the Bibi government must negate the influence of both the EU and UN. 

      Thankfully the Trump Abraham Accords has negated Obama & EU attempts to invalidate the Jewish state.  A forced population transfer of about 1 million Jews from Samaria would result in a Civil War which would compare to the current Syrian Civil War.  It would destroy an independent Jewish state.  I personally witnessed the cliffhanger of the unilateral withdrawal of 5000 Jews from Gaza.   Totally supported the Sharon move which removed over 2 million Arabs from the Israeli democracy.

      British propaganda promotes appeals to emotions rather than discusses strategic war objectives in this regime change war.  The foreign press propaganda continues its body count comparisons. Emotion based arguments. Never have any hostile EU press\propaganda sought to understand strategic Israeli regime change objectives, viewed from the light of the Trump Abraham Peace Accords. Instead, this reactionary propaganda focuses upon pictures of wartime destruction of Gazan homes and body count comparisons damages.

      Yes, drones have proven highly effective in the Ukraine War. That Gaza lacks a navy or air force fails to address the reality that Gaza as a City-State hardly qualifies as a military power in the first place.

      Hamas has not invested in their own people. Military spending eats investment capital like a horse eats hay. A single stomach animal lacks the digestion to get the nutrients from grass like as does a multiple stomach animal.

      We have a single stomach. When you eat corn, and later go to the toilet, for sure you have seen the undigested corn in your poop. A single stomach animal cannot digest cellulose. The multiple stomachs of ruminant animals designed to efficiently digest plant cellulose.

      Military spending eats “investment Capital” by at least, at a bare minimum – a 5:1 ratio! Hamas receives billion of dollars in foreign aid, and does not invest this money in building a viable economy that could employ the 2.3 million dhimmi Arab refugees currently living in this non-state non-country.

      German propaganda promotes the emotional pains suffered by Jews and Arab populations. What reactionary noise. Israel fights a War. Full stop – end of story – people die.

      The vile fake news press fails to address Israeli strategic war objectives aimed at regime change and integration of the Palestinian City-State into the community of nations of the Middle East in line with the Abraham Accords established by the Trump Administration. This fake noise news by the German propaganda press compares CNN and NBC slander of President Trump during and throughout the last 7 years.

      Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 to deed land for the establishment of a Palestinian State. Israel, the only nation in the world that has deeded land for the establishment of a Palestinian State. Not a single Arab country has repatriated and given citizenship to dhimmi Arab refugee populations across the Middle East.

      This regime change war seeks to establish the Gaza City-State within the community of nations in the Middle East and North Africa. War with Arabs, simply not the strategic interests of the Jewish state.

      The Abraham Accords seeks to integrate the Jewish state within the community of Nations in the Middle East. The primary hostile governments, the farce of UN Apartheid where that ventriloquist puppet has refused to recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel, and Israel a country of the Middle East.

      Till the racist UN ceases this ‘Zionism is Racism policy’, which excludes Israel as a member-State within the Middle East, the UN ceases to exist as having a say in the Arab Israeli negotiations. UN Resolutions 242, 338, 446, 2334 compares to the Chamberlain White Paper of 1939, or to FDR’s closure of the US borders which sealed the fate of Shoah European Jewry.

      The current regime change war with Hamas, only a small chess piece on the board. This current conflict, only a pawn in the far larger WAR between Israel and European imperialism which has sought to dominate the Middle East after the European collapse of WWII as a great power, (Europe still occupied with American troops to this very day – hardly a great power). The 1956 War both the collapsed British empire and the Vichi loser state attempted to steal control of the Suez Canal from Nasser’s Egypt!

      Israel has our eye on the BIG PICTURE. This regime change war with Hamas seeks to integrate an Independent Gaza City-State and terminate the despicable dhimmi Arab refugee status that has prevailed since the first Israeli Independence War. The European attempts to treat Israel as a defeated Nazi State post 1967, an utter abomination; on par with the church repeated attempts to force Jews to worship their JeZeus God for millenniums, when Jews endured the dhimmi refugee torture currently felt by Arab refugee populations today.

      The Hamas invasion – an absolute abomination. But this regime change War has its eye on a much larger PRIZE, than simply up-rooting the Hamas abomination from Gaza and the Middle East. Just that simple. Full stop, end of story.

      Questions raised concerning the initial success of the Hamas invasion of Israel. Clearly Hamas had planned and trained for this attack for quite some time. How did Israeli intelligence fail? Answer: Hamas concealed their “secret” in plain sight. Huge mass Gazan protests have gone on for years. The use of cheap drones to attack tanks by dropping grenades, first introduced in the Ukraine war.

      The IDF clearly caught napping during the last day of the Chag on Shabbat. Hamas slaughtered several hundred dancing Israelis celebrating Simchat Torah/Shemini Atzeret. The trauma of this surprise attack directly compares to the ’73 Yom Kippur War. There too Sadat concealed his “secret” in the obvious.

      In the latter case, Israeli intelligence combated also with the Nixon demands placed upon the Meir government NOT to initiate an attack like it did after Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran. Sadat concealed his secret war plan training by repeatedly making trained canal crossings. Hamas played the same card, as did Sadat in the years prior to the ’73 Yom Kippur War.

      Hamas did not mass armour and troop carriers. Those terrorists rapidly attacked Israeli settlements by means of two-man motorcycle units, and motorized paragliders! This terrorist attack compares to Japanese kamikaze attacks. Some 1500 Hamas terrorists, killed within the borders of Israel. Herein explains the barbaric cruelty of the Hamas invasion; these men invaded with the intent to die on Israeli soil.

      Hamas achieved total surprise. This initial shock, its “surprised” Hamas leadership as much as it did Israeli leadership. Clearly Hamas did not expect that their breakthrough would result in the deaths of some 1200 Israelis dancing on the closing day of the Chag on Shabbat. The horror of the Hamas surprise attack and its “success” has resulted in a Regime Change War.

      A Regime Change War represents a shock surprise that surpasses the opening day invasion of Israel by Hamas criminal terrorists. Surprise Shock … a two-edged sword that cuts readily in both directions.

      Shalom does not correctly translate into “peace”. Shalom – a verb peace – a noun. The verb shalom stands upon the foundation of “trust”. No trust No shalom, just that simple. Jews remember the solidarity the FDR government showed to the Chamberlain government. In 1939 Britain imposed the 2nd White Paper which sealed the fate of European Jewry’s attempts to flee from the Nazi genocide. FDR closed the borders of America, which condemned European Jewry to the Nazi Shoah. 75% of European Jews murdered in less than 3 years.

      After the 2nd Israeli Independence War, 1967, during that existential war, Israel attacked the USS Liberty spy ship. Only AFTER that great Israeli victory did America switch its policy of neutrality and become Israel’s Prime military supplier. Prior to the 2nd Israeli Independence War, France served as the Primary arms supplier of the post WWII established Jewish State.

      During the 1973 October War, Nixon the previous year cut a deal with OPEC, specifically with Saudi Arabia. France had demanded gold or silver for its international US dollars. America did not have it. Nixon struck a deal with the king of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis attributed the tremendous Israeli victory of the 1967 Six Day War to the surprise attack Israel inflicted upon the Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian air forces. Surprise attacks define Middle East warfare tactics. The ’67, ’73, and current war with Hamas serve as glaring examples of surprise attacks.

      Nixon and the King of Saudi Arabia struck a deal in 1972. In exchange for (1) no US intervention in an Arab oil embargo of the US and Western Europe and (2) Nixon must force the Golda Meir government in Jerusalem to absorb the combined Egyptian, Syrian, surprise attack which began the “Yom Kippur” October War. Meet these two pre-conditions and OPEC agreed to only sell its oil and gas in US American dollars. This secret agreement between the King and Nixon in 1972, forced Paris to renounce its demand for the Washington to pay French held international dollars in gold or silver.

      Nixon immediately took the commodity-based US dollar off gold and silver reserves, thus transforming the dollar into a Fiat currency and which therein established the US petro-dollar monopoly which prevails to this day. President Bush invaded Iraq after 9/11 because Saddam had renounced this secret OPEC treaty and sold Iraqi oil & gas in other foreign currencies, which directly threatened the domination of the US petro$ monopoly by which Washington regulated OPEC Oil & Gas sales restricted to the American dollar. This secret treaty transformed the American dollar into the currency which dominates all world trade to this very day.

      Israel absorbed the surprise Arab attacks in 1973 and Golda Meir announced after the Syrian army had broken through the Golan defences that the country had fallen! A heroic defence and Syrian fears that their SAM anti-aircraft missile umbrella did not extend past the Golan Heights, prevented the Syrian army swooping down into the heart and guts of the Jewish state as Golda Meir incorrectly feared would occur. That Arab surprise attack almost witnessed the total destruction of the Jewish state! The Arabs would have shown the same disregard for human life as did Hamas surprise attacks this last Saturday. Arab leaders have since the ’48 and ’67 wars promised to throw the Jews into the Sea.

      Nixon’s Secretary of State, despite being Jewish, held the Jewish state in contempt. US military aid came from the Pentagon rather than the State Department. Nixon was tied up in the Watergate scandal, like President Johnson was likewise consumed by the Vietnam War in 1967. Israel, a very tiny country. It served as a land-based air-craft carrier in the Middle East, for the United States during the height of the Russian/US Cold War. Israeli Air Force pilots fought against Russian Air Force in the ’73 War. Russia threatened to expand that ’73 war into WWIII if Israel did not release the surrounded Egyptian 3rd Army in the ’73 war!The US wanted to switch the UN Palestine Protectorate from England to themselves in 1947. The US did not aid nor assist the Jewish fight to win its National Independence in the 1948 War. Ike forced Israel to return the captured Sinai back to Egypt in the 1956 War. Israel attacked the hostile US spy ship, the USS Liberty, in the ’67 War.

      President Johnson sided with the Vichi French attempt to negate the Israeli victory in the 2nd Israeli Independence War of 1967. The Vichi French passed, with the support of Washington UN Resolution 242.That UN Resolution passed through the UN ventriloquist puppet, sought to force Israel to surrender East Jerusalem, captured in that war. It sought to divide the Jewish state based upon the model by which the WWII Allies divided Nazi Germany into two hostile States, and two hostile Berlins. The US under President Nixon supported UN Resolution 338 which again reinforced the hostile foreign policy of Europe/US NATO alliance to divide Israel into two hostile states!

      Never existed in all human history a Palestinian state. Palestine a term first coined by the Greek/Roman empires! A European word of origin. During the British mandate of “Palestine” 1922 to 1948, the only Palestinians in the Mandate territories – Jews.  Arabs abhorred the Balfour Declaration of 1917 by which the League of Nations rubber stamped the British and French dissection of the Ottoman empire following WWI!

      Israel as a nation has existed only since the miracle post Shoah victory which witnessed the systematic extermination of 75% of European Jewry in less than 3 years. England and France attacked Nasser’s Egypt in the 1956 War to wrest domination of the Suez Canal away from Egypt! Ike forced those dead European empires to surrender their domination of the Middle East like the US dominates Central and South America today!

      Israel supports the Ukraine because our Primary Ally supports the Ukraine. That’s how the game of international politics plays. Just that Simple. In point of fact: Israel opposes foreign imperialism interventions in a local border dispute between Russia and the Ukraine.  Because in every Arab Israeli war foreign imperialism has imposed and determined Israeli’s strategic war objectives.

      Russia has suffered 2 major European invasions by Napoleon and the Nazis. Both invaded through the plains of the Ukraine in order to conquer Russia! Hence Putin absolutely refuses to permit Brandan to make the Ukraine a member of NATO. Twice burned Thrice Weary! In the Great Patriotic War, Russia’s population witnessed some 80 million casualties.

      WWII has impacted Russia just as much or more than the Shoah/Holocaust has scared the souls of the Jewish people. And make no mistake that “Never Again” burns in the Jewish hearts and souls today like it did after the Shoah!

      BBC ignores the European War conducted against Jews since 1933. Israel, not at all interested in the noise spewed from the UN. This ventriloquist puppet has removed itself as a neutral “authority”. UN Resolutions 242, 338, 446, 2334 all compared to the vile UN Resolution 3379: Zionism is Racism. The Israeli anger has not abated in the least, despite BBC noise otherwise.

      This War, a regime change: Israeli response to the Hamas invasion of Israel. Apparently, the BBC has forgotten the Battle of Britain. Obvious to Jerusalem that Hamas seeks to uproot and totally destroy the Jewish state, equal to the Nazi attempt to invade Britain early in WWII. Israel, this time, this war – a completely different story. Israel prepared to repatriate all dhimmi Arab refugee populations to Gaza. With the aim to establish an independent Gaza City-State.

      Egypt hopefully will contribute to the integration of an independent Gazan City-State into the community of Nations in the Middle East. Again. The UN has no neutrality as long as that Apartheid racist policy remains. From 1948 the UN refused to recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel, and Israel a member of the community of nations in the Middle East.  This Apartheid policy which excludes Israel as a nation state in the Middle East applied to no other UN member state.

      The main problem which the IDF must resolve in our invasion and conquest of Hamas regime change strategy, the huge civilian populations of Gaza.The IDF, it seems to me, should island hop, much like America did in the Pacific War against Japan. Israel needs to organize a sealed off trench warfare, something akin to WWI battle tactics. Only in the case of Gaza, Israel must encircle and isolate designated areas to harvest Gaza civilian populations. Israel must feed and protect these sealed-off “captured” Gaza prisoner-of-war zones.

      Such a strategic policy conducted toward Gazan civilian populations serves to separate armed hostile terrorists from unarmed passive Gazans. Captured males, capable of serving as soldiers separated from populations of women with children and the old. Segregating civilians from military capable populations, clearly the first step in the long regime change war confronting the Jewish state in the days and weeks ahead.

      Jerusalem emphatically must reject foreign aid or intervention in this local border conflict. The horror of the international involvement in the Russian/Ukraine war, a clear Red-flag of warning. Israel outright rejects European involvement or any foreign intervention whatsoever. This Gaza regime change war, pits Israel’s fight against the multiple Arab factions in Gaza, E. Jerusalem, and Samaria. Israel must reject any and all foreign international aid or power plays to dominate Israeli and Gazan interstate self-determination.

      Repatriating dhimmi Arab refugee populations to Gaza. Permitting the Gazan City-State to give citizenship to these dhimmi Arab refugee populations the Primary objective of regime change strategies in Gaza. Integrating the Independent nation of Gaza into the Arab community of the Middle East a key foreign policy objective of the Jewish state during this Gaza/Israel war.

      Land for peace. Twice Israel has returned the Sinai back to Egypt in the name of land for peace. The patriotization of dhimmi Arab refugees from E. Jerusalem, Samaria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria to Gazan national self-determination and Independence, a prime regime change-strategy of the Jewish state in this Gaza/Israel war. Gaza, Israel and Egypt can work together to expand the borders of Gaza into the Sinai to accommodate dhimmi Arabs who move to Gaza and cease existing as despised refugee populations, a people without a country of their own.


  2. I wish to express how sorry I am for what happened/is happening. The Jewish people and Israel will always have my prayers and support. God is with you and His Hand is upon you all. Thank you for posting this, some I knew about, other things I didn’t. Very enlightening.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your support Veronica. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Rene. I’m glad the post shed some light on the subject and inspired further research. G-d bless.


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